Thursday, August 5, 2010

365 Projects

There is nothing quite as interesting to me as doing something that challenges you. So, the idea of committing yourself to doing something everyday for a year is one that I love and encourage everyone to give a try at least once. I myself am in the middle of a 365 project where I have to take a picture everyday, fingers crossed that I make it through the year. I already missed one day and am committing myself to making a graphic design of some kind for each day I miss. But, if photography isn't your thing there are a lot of other options. Do you draw? Do a sketch a day. Read? Read a certain amount a day. Write? Write a short story a day or a poem. Video? Shoot a video a day (impossible you say, my dad did it, also check out the vlogbrothers ). Music? Write or learn a new song a day. Sports? Doing something sports related a day (I'm not good with sports, sorry). Game? Check out this article.

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